Dissecting a Daily Stand Up
Have you seen any of this happen to your Daily Stand Up?
There is a conference bridge for our Daily Scrum Stand Up even though we co-located
We email our status to the scrum master everyday
Product Owner takes over the meeting and it becomes a daily 1 hour status meeting.
The Scrum Master asks everyone in the team for their status.
All these are symptoms of the team and organization not understanding the rationale for this meeting.
This daily meeting meant to be a daily touch point for the development team to self-manage and self-organize in order to deliver the greatest value to the customer given the sprint goal.
The meeting itself has been broken down to be a process, this 15 minutes time boxed meeting which is run on a daily basis has certain ground rules
Formal/official touchpoint everyday for the team to meet
Same Place Daily
Eliminates any confusion on where to meet (conference room confusion), helps in self-managing
Same Time Daily
Eliminates confusion on what time are we meeting, helps in self managing and self-organizing
15 Minutes Time Box
Time boxing helps in focusing the team on what is important, it makes the meeting succinct and eliminates “yap’ time of meetings. Team/team members can meet after this meeting to discuss any issues or concerns
Three Questions
The meeting has been broken down into a process so that the meeting is succinct and focused. The expectation is that team members come prepared to answer these three questions.
Everyone answers three questions.
In the next blog, I will be writing about various ways a Scrum Master can encourage the team to self-run this meeting.
In closing, I will say that this is a critical daily meeting for the team to self-organize and self-manage. The sooner a team understand the intent of this meeting, better positioned will they be to take on the mutual responsibility of work. The quality of a well-run Daily Stand up is a good indicator on the health of Agile adoption in an organization.